Many of the targeted countries joined the global initiative and Hands-Only CPR videos were dubbed or recorded in different languages such as English, Arabic, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, French, Russian, African Languages, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese and many more.
The highest response and views towards the training videos up till now have originated from Canada, United States, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Local and International workshops have been held promoting by-stander hands-only CPR
Microsoft, Pune, India team members have shown the willingness to help design an android and apple compatible mobile app for the initiative
Map of the project on a worldwide scale: marked in red are the countries which have joined the initiative and for whom training videos have been made
Map of the project on a worldwide scale: Hover over countries to view the number of people who have received live training.
- Online survey and questionnaire results are still being collected
- McMaster Children’s Hospital Volunteering Services has agreed to offer the translation project to volunteers.
- Dr. Mondal has partnered with Kolkata Police and IIT Kharagpur and held mass CPR training sessions in Kolkata.
- Dr.Mondal has also partnered with Universities and organizations in Bangladesh and held mass CPR training programs and events there as well
- The Global CPR Project is a big focus in West Bengal, India and the media there is also supporting our cause
- The Global CPR project is also training children as young as 10 years old in school settings in India and encouraging youth to learn chest compression CPR